Monday, October 19, 2009

Observations of a beginning runner

A couple observations and learnings after my first weeks running:
  1. Note to self: Athlete's Foot, Tennis Elbow and Housemaid's Knee are nothing compared to "Jogger's Nipple." That'll teach me for running in a shirt with a logo on it!
  2. My marathon training is not as spontaneous as you might expect: I really feel like I must research it, study it and truly understand it so I don't get hurt and more importantly, so I will be finishing next year! So I'm doing lots of reading up in books and online. 
  3. Each week I'm enjoying my runs, knowing that I've run further than ever before in my life. That really motivates me to keep going. And that aged 34!
  4. Develop a game plan and stick to it! Its all about the preparation and sticking to a plan that seems to work for you. While there is tons of advice and plans to go with, they all seem to share lots of commonalities. So I've picked a conservative one and got going. So far so good.
  5. REST! All the experts, books and online literature suggest that taking ample time to recover during the week is the key to not getting injured. I'm eager to get out and start increasing the mileage but that's how lots of people get into trouble so I keep telling myself to take this slow. Also, I do feel a little sore in my knees, hips and feet after the runs so thats probably also a good indicator..... ;)


  1. Hi Jayroon, since your blog is in English I will stick to English also: thanks for your comment on Twitter. I wish you lots of luck with your trainings for the NYCM 2010. Believe me, you will enjoy it!! Remember to do hill-training. The last few miles of de NYCM will go slightly up-hill.. (killing!)

    All the best

  2. Thanks for the comment Ronald, and thanks for the tips. Will keep you posted!
