Monday, December 7, 2009

Colder and wetter!

Completed 2 runs last week instead of the scheduled 3 as, strangely as it may be, my health is still going up and down... :( (Fatigued, slightly fevered, coughing, headaches etc.) And that for someone who is rarely ill, ......touch wood! As difficult as it is to admit, I think the stressful times at work might be getting to me more than I'd like. Luckily, the pressure should be off after next week and I'm really looking forward to a nice extended holiday break.

More on the downside, I've not been able to complete and stick to the scheduled runs, meaning I'm behind. Physically, I'm now only able to run for 45 minutes, where I should be running 60. As a result, I've decided to go back in the schedule to the week that matches my current physical level, so I can start building again. And the reason that the pressure is on with regards to the scheduled runs is that I have a pretty hard deadline coming up, being the half marathon on the 14th March. And I should be starting that schedule next week!! YIKES! :)

I ran for the first time together with my buddy Joop. And although its more fun to run together, I've also noticed that it costs more energy to run and talk at the same time, which I guess means that fitness levels need to be improved. To be honest I prefer running by myself as you can more closely focus on the running, breathing, keeping the right pace, etc! Was a nice morning though this Sunday morning!

This week 3 runs scheduled, let's hope I get back into the discipline of running those! And lets hope the weather doesn't get too cold and wet!


  1. Zo, dan toch eindelijk eens een berichtje van je lieve vrouwtje!
    Mijn oren hebben natuurlijk een tijdje staan klapperen van deze mededeling, maar inmiddels weet ik niet beter dan dat jij daar gewoon staat op 7 november 2010! En dat je onder de 5 over de finisch in mijn armen komt vallen, daar durf ik mijn hand ook wel voor in het vuur te steken...
    Maar ach wat maakt die tijd ook eigenlijk uit. Ik, Pepijn en ons andere wurmpie zijn zowieso al super trots op je.


  2. :) :) Dat is alle support die ik nodig heb!!
